Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Passion + Pressure = Christ !!!

It has been three months since I joined Christ University for my MBA leaving Cognizant. Leaving back cognizant and joining Christ was a tough decision in my life and being @ Christ is even more challenging. 

These three months have been challenging for me in terms of adapting to the so called Christ Culture that includes - Surface reading, Information overload, Book Review, OBT, CIA, End term, 0.49 weightage assessment’s, typical school rules and people with from diverse background.At times what people perceived to be exact fun here was not so for me.

Probably one of my biggest mistakes in my life could be choosing Christ for an MBA but I didn’t have a better option to pursue when I was to choose between Passion and Pressure. However to a greater extend it serves the purpose apart from the fact that it doesn’t pays me well and of course HR’s are never paid well ;).At this juncture another confusion crept into my mind – if HR’s are paid less, then why HR. I had a quick answer for this- Simply bcoz I love it and wish i shouldn't hate it for money :)

My decisions have gone wrong because of considering the fact - “Greater good for larger number of People”. So have to learn to Say ‘NO’ and at times be Self-serving.
Irrespective of whether the Christ MBA had a trajectory for me or not to evolve as a HR professional, to a greater extend in these three months I had people betraying me, exploiting me and making it learnable for me to handle emotions. It was peak of learning experience when even my closed ones were closed ended :)

At the same time, I had lot of people who cared for me to a greater extend and  at many times i wasn’t in a position to respond to those people due to my mood swings.
On the whole these three months got me new perspectives on relationships, betrayal, exploitation and how taking decisions on pressure might have a negative pay off.

With a rocking combo of Passion and Pressure, begins a new trimester with greater responsibility and higher agenda. Believe my buddies - Aditya ,Saro ,Vignesh would make things interesting and worthwhile... May our life’s blossom together !!!


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