Monday, November 17, 2014

Recruitment - Is it a Number Game or Much more ?

First four months in Recruitment,  Summing up What it is all about – Stakeholder Management,Process adherence, Market Intelligence, Result Orientation.

Stakeholder Management – On a daily basis a recruiter need to interact with the Business, Prospective Candidates, Background verification team, Induction team, Admin team, placement Vendors and Internal stakeholders. A recruiter is one who cuts and connects across all these teams to put in the best candidate experience and also to fulfill the business requirement. Everybody’s goals are different and yet it conspires with each other, that’s what a recruiter is responsible for.

Process Adherence - Whenever there is a process and policy in place, it’s not just to increase the complexity but on the other hand it’s a collective wisdom that has evolved over a period of time substantiated by the past data and trend . Particularly in recruitment, being the gate keepers of the organization it’s extremely important to uphold the integrity of the system.

Market Intelligence – If you are aware which company has which skill in abundance, what’s their notice period, What’s the salary each company pays for certain experience, Who is downsizing ,  Client relationships with your competitors in the market, Which skill is hot in the market , Recruitment is a cake walk for you !

Result Orientation – At the end of the day, all matters is Cost, Quality and time. How many billability loss positions you were able to fill without any billing leakages and how many deals were not lost because you brought in at right talent @ right place @ right cost.
Stakeholder Management, Process Adherence, Market Intelligence all zeros in to the single end product of Result Orientation and Customer Delight !

It’s high time that as a recruiting partner, not to be a mere process owner but also be aware of the business, talent market and recent trends in Talent Acquisition.

 Being a process might help you internally but it's the other aspects that would help you when you move out of your current employer ! So it's time to look beyond !