Saturday, October 13, 2012

Disclaimer - I might betray your Convictions !!!

Down these twenty five years, life has been offering me lots of experience most of them unconsciously and some consciously .There had been never a shortage for information from people around me and things that happened around me to clutter my mind.

I put tons of energy to make convictions, every conviction I make fail at some point of time later and this shows the kind of ignorance that has crept into mind while making decisions. Here is a famous quote “ Whatever is not under our experience, doesn’t exist in reality is the crown of ignorance “ 

Economist had tons of theories to their credit and now most famous economic theories fail because of the fact that they predicted based on “ Cetris Paribus “ which means “everything else remains constant”, but in reality it doesn’t work that way.

Same applies for the human life’s, Sigmund Freud said Human beings are irrational - something that holds good for a particular situation or particular person may not hold good even for the next moment or next person. Human being behaves according to the needs, moods, outcomes and humpty number of other factors as a human being is not a gadget to be consistent in the way he/she emote or behave.

With this baseline, for the past five to six years I have been a perfect Good Bad Ugly boy on this earth doing the most prettiest to the nastiest things possible for me on this Earth and I have never claimed myself as good guy.

People start scaling others based on their perceptions, value systems, what they believe to be good and bad on this according to them on this world based on the situations, experiences and people they encountered in their life. But it’s important for everyone to understand the fact that the world doesn’t offer same kind of opportunities, situations, people for every one on this earth. Everybody encounters a unique set of all these and the perceptions, values, beliefs, good and bad are outcome of this.

In my recent times I never wanted me to try behaving or altering my personality in a certain way based upon the needs of the society, because whenever I do that I am going to act. A human being can’t act for long time and hence I always wanted to provoke & blossom the way of being human. 

For me being human is nothing but being inclusive .Inclusiveness for me means accepting people, situation at hand as they are and then trying to act on it in a way i am considerate about .

I never want my loved ones to get into a judgement mode instead perceive me as I am … Prediction models doesn’t work on me as I myself complex by nature. Whether your  prediction models predict me as good ,bad, insane, weak, strong or fair doesn’t really matter for me, I would stay by you whole lifetime to perceive your presence and touch your life by some means instead of trying to fail by judging you.

For a moment I am good and the very next moment I am nasty – Better don’t make convictions on me ..I might not betray you but for sure your convictions !!!