Monday, April 14, 2014

Nuggets from my Learning !!!

·        People Around- # You should be of some use to people Physically, emotionally or mentally to have them around # When you stop contributing to person or situation you become irrelevant # Nobody is with you for free #

·        Family - # Loosing some part of yourself to accommodate somebody else in your life is the biggest thing you can do # Respect Individuality, Passion and help people blossom # Let nobody who steps into your home walks out hungry #

·        Career - # Joy of Action is known only to the person who doesn’t have a need for it # Never Stop Learning # Concepts are Universal, Contexts are different. No two situations are similar # Perceive to Prosper #

·        God - # It’s a Cosmic congruence # Something that is perfect, flawless, beyond the comprehension of human mind, devoid of ego, prejudice, doctrine and duality # Advaita # Whatever is not under your experience doesn’t exist in reality is the peak of ignorance #

·        Success - # It’s not the same for all – for some its getting rich, for some it’s to reach greater heights in their career, for some it’s about a happy family # Depends on what kind of impressions, aspirations they have gathered in their life all the way # Better don’t weigh others success on your Scale, let them weigh on their own # You might be successful and still not married ;) # Different dimensions need different stokes, efforts, setting # All don’t get all !

·        Getting Married – # It’s not the nine planets that decide your marriage, it’s the people around who make or break yours # Beware People are Watching you ! They sell you or scrap you – Do bit of Branding, Positioning # You are responsible for how people perceive you # You are matured enough to search one for you, if you are responsible #